60 January Quotes to Kickstart 2025

Kickstart the year with January Quotes! Embrace new beginnings and set a positive tone for the year ahead with inspirational words that spark motivation and renewal.

As we bid farewell to the past year and step into the blank canvas of a new one, January symbolizes a fresh start, renewed hope, and endless possibilities. It’s a time when resolutions are made, goals are set, strategies are built and aspirations are high. To inspire and motivate you on this journey of self-discovery and growth, here are some uplifting January quotes that encapsulate the spirit of new beginnings.

January Quotes

  1. “January is a month of renewal, reflection, and rejuvenation.” ~ Invajy

  1. “January is an opportune moment to reassess our life stories and make intentional choices that align with our aspirations.” ~ Invajy

  1. “Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher

  1. “It’s January, ‘hit the refresh button’.” ~ Invajy

  1. “JANUARY, The first month of the year, a perfect time to start all over again, changing energies and deserting old moods, new beginnings, new attitudes.” ~ Charmaine J Forde
  2. “January looks forward to the new year and back to the old year. He sees past and future.” ~ M.L. Stedman
  3. “January is the time for refocus; a new beginning, a fresh start and let go the past.” ~ Invajy
  4. “Don’t wait until February to start living in January.” ~ Anthony T. Hincks
  5. “You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” ~ Hillary DePiano
  6. “New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” ~ Alex Morritt

Quotes about January

  1. “The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul…” ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton
  2. “Lots of people go mad in January. Not as many as in May, of course. Nor June. But January is your third most common month for madness.” ~ Karen Joy Fowler
  3. “January is the month for dreaming.” ~ Jean Hersey
  4. “If I had my way, I would remove January from the calendar altogether and have an extra July instead.” ~ Roald Dahl
  5. “Feeling a little blue in January is normal.” ~ Marilu Henner
  6. “January is my favorite month, when the light is plainest, least colored. And I like the feeling of beginnings.” ~ Anne Truitt
  7. “It is deep January. The sky is hard. The stalks are firmly rooted in ice.” ~ Wallace Stevens
  8. “No one ever regarded the first of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam.” ~ Charles Lamb
  9. “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” ~ Hal Borland
  10. “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” ~ Meister Eckhart

January quotes about new beginnings

  1. “This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” ~ Taylor Swift
  2. “I love beginnings. If I were in charge of calendars, every day would be January 1.” ~ Jerry Spinelli
  3. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” ~ T.S. Eliot
  4. “God is so good to give us new days and New Years since He knows we need so many times to start over.” ~ Lacey Sturm
  5. “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi
  6. “So, I close my eyes to old ends, and open my heart to new beginnings.” ~ Mandy Hale
  7. “January opens the box of the year And bring out days that are bright and clear And bring out days that are cold and gray And shouts, “Come see what I brought today.”“ ~ Leland B. Jacobs
  8. “I like starting projects in January. That’s the best time to start something. It’s so inward.” ~ Carolyn Chute
  9. “No one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February.” ~ Suze Orman
  10. “January is the quietest month in the garden. … But just because it looks quiet doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.” ~ Rosalie Muller Wright

Funny January Quotes

  1. “January is the Monday of months.” ~ Anonymous
  2. “January is the calendar’s ingrown hair.” ~ Stewart Stafford
  3. “January, month of empty pockets! let us endure this evil month, anxious as a theatrical producer’s forehead.” ~ Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
  4. “January is the best time of year for gym owners. You all come. It’s great! And then, by Valentine’s Day, you’re not coming in anymore.” ~ David Kirsch
  5. “The cold of January keeps you inside so that you have time to dream.” ~ Anonymous
  6. “Through the chill of December the early winter moans… but it’s that January wind that rattles old bones.” ~ John Facenda
  7. “January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow.” ~ Sara Coleridge
  8. “January is the only month with a personality disorder. One day it’s all resolutions and the next day it’s ‘Did someone say cake?’“ ~ Anonymous
  9. “In [the new year], I will be too busy watering my own grass to notice if yours is greener.” ~ Marc & Angel Chernoff
  10. “I love how January is just the trial month of the year. March is when the real commitments start.” ~ Anonymous

Motivational Quotes for January

  1. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” ~ Fred DeVito
  2. “You are going to figure it out, but you don’t have to figure it out right now.” ~ Jacqueline Whitney
  3. “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” ~ Winston S. Churchill
  4. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” ~ Will Rogers
  5. “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.” ~ T.S. Eliot
  6. “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” ~ Ralph Blum
  7. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” ~ Lao Tzu
  8. “He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” ~ Confucius
  9. “January brings a fresh blanket of snow to the world and a blank slate for us to fill with fantastic new things!” ~ Anonymous
  10. “There are far better things ahead than we leave behind.” ~ C.S. Lewis

Jan Quotes for Letter Board

  1. “Goodbye December, Hello January; 12 new chapters, 365 new chances.”
  2. “Hello January: new feels, new chances, new dreams.”
  3. “Welcome January: May it be the month of many achievements.”
  4. “And so it begins: Chapter One.”
  5. “January: Cold, confident, and captivating.”
  6. “January: New month, new year, new start.”
  7. “Hello to the most winter-ful time of the year! #January”
  8. “January 2025: I am ready when you are.”
  9. “Dear New Year – Please be nice.”
  10. “Alexa, skip to spring.”

Thank you for reading this. Which January Quotes did you like in the above list? Please let us know your favorite January Quotes in the comments section.

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