My COVID -19 Experiences (My COVID-19 Story)
My COVID-19 experiences. The personal challenges faced, lessons learned, and moments of resilience. Pandemic has changed my life altogther.

It was January 20, when I started hearing about new disease COVID -19. A lot has been changed since then. I have experienced everything from Corona Virus Anxiety to Corona Virus Disease itself. In this post I an going to share with you my experiences with COVID -19.
My COVID – 19 Experiences
I got tested positive through RT – PCR test on 28th September 2020. The COVID-19 RT-PCR test is a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in upper and lower respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, lower respiratory tract aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate) collected from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider (HCP), as well as upper respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs, nasal swabs, or mid-turbinate swabs) collected from any individual, including for testing of individuals without symptoms or other reasons to suspect COVID-19 infection.
Symptoms of Corona Virus (COVID – 19) Infection
My symptoms started with mild cough and headache. In couple of days it converted in muscle pain or whole body pain. It was different pain which I never felt earlier in my life. I was feeling like I have swelling in my whole back and whichever part touched the bed, I felt pain there. In couple of days; above symptoms were gone with some pain killers, antibiotics and anti allergic medicines.
Trigger for COVID – 19 positive test
It was Day 5 and I felt perfectly fine. But Corona Virus was doing the work of multiplication inside my body. It corona factory was at its full production. In the evening I felt loss of taste. My taste buds are extremely good. By eating anything I can figure out which spices are used in preparations. It was shocking for me that suddenly I found everything tasteless. Next day morning I called nearest health center for test. Unfortunately there was no testing being done due to Sunday (Weekly Off). Since I was not having any major problem except losing taste, I decided to get tested on Monday.
By night, when I was having my dinner I felt that I had lost my taste buds. Immediately after dinner I took out my perfume bottle and sprayed on my wrist. As expected I had lost my smelling sense also. These were only two symptoms I was feeling at that time – Loss of taste and smell. It was 28th September 2020, Monday morning. I went to nearest Government Dispensary (Health Center). It took a bit long time of 3 hrs for getting tested. I was tested through RT-PCR test and my swab was collected from my tongue and throat.
The critical time
I came back to home and took some rest. That was the time I started getting some temperature. Unfortunately it kept increasing with time. By the evening; I was having temperature 104⁰ F and pulse got raised to 248. It was the time; I felt helpless. I called my family doctor and updated him about my health status. He advised couple of medicines and sponging. It reduced my body temperature to 100⁰ F. In the morning; HR CT Scan was done. In couple of hours, the reports were out . The report showed a score of 12 out of 25, which indicated my lungs were moderately infected.
I shared this with my doctor and he advised me to get hospitalized. That afternoon, RT-PCR test reports were out and I was reported positive. I called up at City COVID -19 Control room and requested them for hospitalization. They enquired about my SpO2 level and if I have breathing status. Based on that they refused to admit me. According to them CT Scan score is not criterion and I had pretty decent oxygen saturation levels of 96 %.
The treatment began
Well, I reported back to My family Doctor and he started my treatment advising all precautions required for home isolation. I packed myself in a room with attached washroom. All essential things like thermometer, Pulse Oximeter, advised medicines, sanitizers and of course my mobile phone were available in room. Next day; I gave sample for all blood tests i.e. CBC, CRP, D-dimer, LDH and Ferritin. CRP levels were pretty high 96 mg/L. Platelets count was down at the level of 80K.
In just couple of days, I started feeling breathlessness. It increased with time to the level that I was not able to speak for even just for two minutes. I kept taking doses of antiviral, antibiotics, anti allergic, cough syrups, anticoagulants and COPD medicines etc. as advised my my pulmonologist. Along with medicines I was also relying on steam inhalation, turmeric milk, chyavanprash and hot water. These helped me in faster recovery.
Day 6 COVID -19 experiences
It was Day 6. My doctor advised to repeat all previously done blood tests again. He also included blood sugar and ESR. To know the conditions of Lever and Kidney I included LFT and RFT test. CRP improved to level 66 mg/L. Platelets count came back to normal levels 1.40 Lakhs. ESR was 35 mm/Ist hr . Blood Sugar levels went up to 324 mg/dl in fasting and 464 in random. Shared all reports with my doctor and he asked to continue the same treatment. I stared improving after day 11. T
hough the coughing, fatigue and breathlessness and high sugar levels were still there. By this time; I improved on my overall SpO2 levels to 97%. My doctor eliminated antiviral drugs and antibiotics on day 15. I did six minutes walk test and my SpO2 levels did not go down. Well, I am still taking Anticoagulants, multivitamins and COPD medicines . I am still on medications and in recovery mode. I will update my health status as I experience in coming days.
COVID -19 experiences Update
Hey guyz, here is an update on my COVID’19 experiences. It’s day 44 after getting corona virus positive. Breathing is improved a lot but still have occasional breathlessness attacks. Medicines are still on for this. Sugar Level are still pretty high. Today mornings PP levels were 397 mg/dl. My doctor says, I have to wait at least 45 days after elimination of steroids. It’s day 20, so here it’s wait and watch situation. I have joined the office and gradually increasing my working hours. Weakness is visible and due to fatigue, having occasional mild muscle cramps.
After 4 Months
Here it comes an update. I have Completed 4 months after getting corona virus positive. Weakness and fatigue has gone away. Just to share, I climbed the stairs to 10th floor of my apartment yesterday. There was electric power supply failure in locality and no diesel in generator for standby power supply. Sugar level though have not become normal, but have come down to 166 mg/dl in fasting. Occasional cramps below lungs are felt, but those are minor or mild. Weight is 8 kg less than prior corona.
After 10 Month
It’s time for an update again guyz. It has been almost six month, since I updated this article last time. In the month of January, 2021, I was feeling a bit comfortable as sugar levels were going down gradually. But one good morning in the Month of April, I felt numbness in three fingers of my right hand. Got done the diagnosis and Sugar Levels were 450 mg/dl. These were 45 minutes after my breakfast, blood pressure was 180/120. Immediately, I got HbA1C done, as expected it was coming 10.94 .
I booked appointment with endocrinologist and he advised me to control these with medicines as parameters were on alarming level. I am on medicines for diabetes and hypertension since then. The parameters are under control 120 mg/dl fasting sugar and 120/80 blood pressure levels. But, the crux is COVID-19 has gifted me these two new diseases to handle with.
After 24 Months (August 2022)
Here is another update on Post COVID Symptoms. I have gone through both the doses of vaccination and last month got the booster dose as well. Since my last update, the diabetes and hypertension medicine disturbed the overall Harmons balance and my hyperthyroid got intensified. My endocrinologist advised me to increase the doses of Thyroxine. I have put on some more weight. Blood Sugar levels also fluctuates largely sometimes, as it seems that body is in confusion.
After 48 Months (August 2024)
A sufficient time has passed and people have almost forgotton the pandemic. But, I have not, it has made a lasting impact on my health. Continuing my harmonal diseases (diabetes, hypertension and thyroid). Still putting on weight. New symptoms of COPD and pre Asthama are appearing. In 2022 and 2023 has chronic cough for 4 months and 8 months respectively. Undergoing treatment from pulmonologist.
Medical Disclaimer
I am not a medical advisor or doctor. The information in this post is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, available through this post is for general information purposes only.